Yes, "You'll never walk alone" of course, if you was the Milan, Berlusconi & friends would always look after you. You know, Milan sell the best football players, some teams and sometimes a few of referees. What is the price? Though it was excluded of Champions "one paper came late and Milan could play"... Yeah, of course, fair play... So, he played for a "forgotten paper", I know, I know.
But what I hate very much, it's how italian players lost time. What's the matter with the referee? Inzaghi took a long time in order to leave the field (I'll see three times his goal). And, as Liverpool shot and it's very dangerous, instead three minutes only 2:44 are played (well this is the clock, I think they had played only 30 seconds) and just when Liverpool goes to Milan's goalkeeper (perhaps another shot and another goal). You win Berlusconi. You laugh at all people who you haven't pay for them (the another ones at last have some "extra revenues").
PD: Rafael, the Spanish Kasparov.
PD2: Antena 3 makes me miss Del Toro commentaries (You know)
Ah, y no olvidéis que si no retiran la apuesta por fácil (como la de quién moría en Harry Potter hace algunos años), siempre podeis ganar dinero apostando por la Real Sociedad (ojala bajaran los tres para que dejasen de regalarse los puntos cuando va a descender alguno de ellos)
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