miércoles, julio 25, 2007

I come back

Hi everybody,

I come back as a new Telecommunication Engineer and as an Irish lover. Yeah, my course in Cork has finished. Now I must work again... What's a pity!.

I was in Cork for 3 week enjoy all we looked. Enjoy their incredible south beer Beamish and their friendly people. I can't never forget shouting "The Garda is coming" when the gipsy appeared.

Their countryside with its green plants and its great rainbows (I can't find the leprechauns, I think they search the guiness instead the bucket).

I enjoyed my holidays but I want more. I will return to Ireland one more time, I can say now that their beer is more dense.

PD: I put a Simone video (my Italian flatmate). Maybe, he can pronounce my name properly when I see him again.


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